Comparing Top Speed-Run Games of the Decade

Speed-running has become a popular and highly competitive activity in the gaming world, where players aim to complete games as quickly as possible using a combination of skill, strategy, and sometimes, glitches. Over the past decade, certain games have stood out as favorites in the speed-running community. This article compares some of the top speed-run games of the decade, highlighting what makes them so compelling for speed-runners.

What Makes a Good Speed-Run Game?

Replayability: Games that offer multiple ways to complete levels or challenges are ideal for speed-running. Players can experiment with different strategies to find the fastest routes and improve their times.

Skill Ceiling: High skill ceilings make for exciting speed-runs. Games that reward precision, timing, and advanced techniques keep the community engaged and constantly pushing the limits.

Community Support: A strong, active community that shares tips, strategies, and records is crucial for any speed-run game to thrive. This support network helps players improve and fosters a competitive yet collaborative environment.

Top Speed-Run Games of the Decade

  • Super Mario Odyssey: This game has become a favorite due to its open-world design and numerous movement mechanics. Speed-runners love finding new ways to navigate Mario through levels as quickly as possible. The game's flexibility and the variety of strategies available make it a perfect choice for speed-running.
  • The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild: Known for its vast open world and flexible gameplay, Breath of the Wild offers countless routes and strategies for speed-runners. The game's physics engine and mechanics provide a deep well of possibilities, allowing runners to exploit various glitches and techniques to achieve record times.
  • Celeste: Celeste is praised for its tight controls and challenging platforming. Speed-runners are drawn to the game's precision and the satisfaction of mastering its mechanics. The game also includes numerous shortcuts and advanced techniques that can significantly reduce completion times.
  • Dark Souls Series: The Dark Souls games, known for their difficulty, are popular among speed-runners. Mastering combat, movement, and game glitches to shave off seconds is a rewarding challenge. Each game in the series offers unique challenges and strategies, keeping the community engaged and motivated.
  • Hollow Knight: Hollow Knight's intricate world and complex mechanics make it a standout choice for speed-runners. The game's numerous abilities and movement options allow for creative routing and impressive displays of skill. Its challenging bosses and tight platforming sections also add to its appeal.


The past decade has seen the rise of many great speed-run games, each offering unique challenges and rewarding skillful play. From the expansive worlds of Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Odyssey to the precision platforming of Celeste and Hollow Knight, these games have captivated the speed-running community and provided countless hours of entertainment.

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